The proposal for the Israel Dubai 2020 Pavilion represents a new era where global information technology reflects on the possibilities the Cloud offers to connect minds; unveiling some of the challenges and opportunities that the cloud infrastructure brings with. The cloud refers to the global information technology that is currently taking on traditional governing roles such as identity or currency, reorganizing the use of energy and resources in the planet, and enabling new communities and new sharing economies.
The Cloud is the latent infrastructure empowered by sensors, algorithms and actuators, offering to the world a new architecture consisting of a dynamic mix of hardware, software and structures.
The Cloud Pavilion sits on a dynamic landscape of dunes, fostering the interaction between the digital with the physical world. Upon arrival, the visitor encounters the lightness and immateriality of the cloud sitting on two points, and is able to experience the space between the cloud and the dune landscape, and the reflection caused by a thin film of water. A Sinuous Mobius path takes the visitor up from the dune landscape to a walk throughout the different spaces of the cloud. The path leads the visitor to experience environmental challenges extended throughout different layers of the Planet Earth.
This planetary sense of belonging in the cloud aims to urge humanity to overcome borders and bridge across cultures. The public space under the cloud is a social a space, where plants, visitors, lights and sensors convert this into a lobby space suitable for interaction, wondering and congregation. The space accommodates both the entrance and the exit to the Cloud Experience and a café.
This first chamber of vertical spiral movement is followed by the entry to the second chamber where a series of interactive tables immerse the visitor into a different experience.