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Leah Goldberg masterplan demolition & groundbreak ceremony

Leah Goldberg masterplan demolition & groundbreak ceremony

A demolition and ground breaking ceremony took place on Tuesday, May 31st, 2022 in Lod, Israel to celebrate the start of demolition and construction in the Leah Goldberg neighbourhood. The urban renewal scheme will turn a neglected urban environment into an exciting mixed-use neighbourhood with adequate housing, commercial spaces, upgraded public spaces and social infrastructure, including day care areas.

The scheme includes 4 plots with 104,598m² residential use (782 apartments), 7,130 m² commercial spaces, 8,000 m² office spaces, 2,250 m² public areas (mainly day care facilities) and 4,7000 m² parking spaces. Mixed use spaces will be located on the 2 first floors with residential towers on top. This arrangement will present an urban volume with a continuous facade and an uninterrupted high street, providing a sense of urban coherence in the area.

Client: HuMantra

Photos by HQ Architects

Ehud Hatchiya Masterplan in Ashkelon gets the green light

Ehud Hatchiya Masterplan in Ashkelon gets the green light

Danielle Litay to speak at the Urban Future Conference in Sweden

Danielle Litay to speak at the Urban Future Conference in Sweden