The Lod cultural center, due to its unique location near the Old City and proximity to many other cultural and touristic sites as well as to major transport routes, including the light- rail and future metro stations, will be a focal point for the entire population of Lod in various ways.
The design features an interplay of interior and exterior spaces that aims to complement each other’s activities and will bring to the city new layers of indoor and outdoor experiences. The unique shape and extensive program the building offers, will allow for a wide range of regular day and evening activities, which will be suited to fit residents of all ages and backgrounds. The new building will feature a public internal plaza that will allow for spontaneous and planned open-air performances, and so will the public outdoor terraces. The enclosed halls, from the fringe hall to the large hall containing 900 seats, will cater for all types of performances. The community center will be open to children and teens during the day and afternoon, and will include library, classrooms and dancing studios as well as active roofs.
Project Architect: Smadar Efrati-Ayal
Team: Lealla Solomon, Valentina Dubrovsky, Keshet Rosenblum, Tslil Shai, Marina Parahomovsky, Lior Kantor